
Fantastic Mr Fox
   by Sam G (Mole Class)

Mr Fox is very clever and he always has a bright idea.  I am quite amazed how he can get brick walls apart.  It is awesome that Mrs Bean can't smell Mr Fox, Badger and Mr Fox's son because she can smell a rat. Boggis, Bunce and Bean don't know they are feeding the foxes because they aren't guarding the farm. It is an excellent book because it makes you feel that you are in the story.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, there are a few parts where I think 'Now how did a fox do that?', for example how did they carry the jars of cider in their paws? But we don't let that spoil the story for us, do we? This is what is called 'the willing suspension of disbelief'. That mean we pretend we believe it, even though we know it can't really happen.
