
Fantastic Mr Fox
 by Sophie (Mole Class)

I like the bit when Mr Fox and other animals are stealing the food. I liked it when they went in the cider cellar  because there was a mean rat and they had a fight.


 by Lillie (Fox Class)

The BFG is my favourite because he visits the queen.  I like it when Sophie sits on the window.  The queen is very kind to everybody.


The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl
  by Charlie (Bumblebee Class)

My mum read 'The Magic Finger' to me and I remember lots about it. It is by Roald Dahl. It's about a girl who has a magic finger. She is eight. When she gets cross she puts a spell on them. She turns her teacher into a cat. She did use her magic finger on her next-door neighbours. She was cross because they shot sixteen birds. She turned them into ducks. I liked this book. It was funny.


Roald Dahl
 by Finlay (Fox Class)

Roald Dahl is brilliant at writing books.
Old and young people read them.
All over the world they are sold.
Lots of children read them at school.
Dahl is an unusual surname.

Drawings were done by Quentin Blake.
Aged 74 he died.
He fought in the war.
Life began in Wales for Roald Dahl.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
 by Asia (Badger Class)

five golden tickets are hidden beneth mr.willy wonka's scrumpches lovely choclate!-five golden tickets witch will change charlie lives forever
Fantastic Mr Fox
  by Jennifer (Fox Class)

"BOGGIS BUNCE & BEAN one fat, one short, one lean. These horrible crooks so different in looks were nonetheless equally mean."

BOGGIS, BUNCE & BEAN are three rich, nastey farmers! they are driven wild by the night- time visites of mr. fox, who poaches chickens,ducks, goese & turkey from the farmers for his wife mrs.fox & the four little foxes. the three farmers join together to hunt & kill mr.fox, but things don't go according to plan! he's not called mr.fox for nothing as wendy cooling notes, "Dahl thought that kindness & warmth were important things to understand that greediness & selfeshines were to be fort againnset. the story remindes us of hugley entertaining "WAY"!


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
 by Lola (Fox Class)

Charlie heard there were 5 golden tickets and he really wanted one. When on the news it said the last ticket had been found he was helpless with tears. A few days later, Charlie read in the newspaper that the last golden ticket was a fake, so he opened the chocolate bar he had in his hand and inside was a golden ticket!

Just then, a lady came by and said "Look this boy - he found the golden ticket"! Suddenly there was a crowd around Charlie, then the shopkeeper ran out and said "Horray, this boy he found a golden ticket in my shop"!

Next, the television people came out and did a video of Charlie with the golden ticket, and he ran home to tell his family. 

My favourite part of the book is when Charlie is on the tour of the Chocolate factory and goes for a ride in the glass elevator. 

I like this bit because it's exciting and Willy Wonka lets Charlie press a button that he's never pressed before.

I like Roald Dahl stories because they are funny and a bit silly!


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
 by Lily (Mole Class)

My favourite book is Charlie and the chocolate factory because it is very funny.

My favourite part is when Violet Beauregarde gets very fat because she ate the chewing gum, after Mr. Wonka had told her not to eat it because it was not quite ready for eating.

Mr. Wonka was very kind to Charlie because he gave him the chocolate factory. This was because he was getting very old and he needed to give it to another person. He needed to give it to a child because an adult would want to do it their way but a child would think what great things Mr. Wonka had invented so they would carry on the same.

Charlie was chosen because he was not naughty and he was honest, things Mr. Wonka liked.

In the second part of the story called the 'Great Glass Elevator' it gets quite scary because they have to go into minus land to rescue Grandma Georgina. It was dark and gloomy and there was also monsters that were invisible and could have been creeping around in the elevator where Charlie and Mr. Wonka were.

The story was very exciting because they went into space and almost could not return to Earth due to the Vicious Knids.
 by Madeleine (Mole Class)

Roald Dahl is my favourite author and my favourite character is Matilda. Matilda is brave because she stood up to the horrible Miss Trunchbull who is a bully. In the book Miss Trunchbull threw a little girl by her pigtails across the playground and she also tried to make a boy eat a whole chocolate cake in one go to make him feel sick. 

Matilda had nasty parents that ripped her books and made her watch t.v. instead of reading. Matilda was a very clever girl who could even do sums that her brother couldn't. Miss Honey was Matilda's teacher and Matilda loved Miss Honey so much that she made up a limerick about her. Matilda saved Miss Honey from The Trunchbull and got her house back. At the end of the book, Matilda didn't want to live with her parents so she went to live with Miss Honey and they were happy together forever and ever. The end


  by Bradley and Mikey (Fox Class)

This is our favourite part:

Sophie couldn't sleep.  A brilliant moonbeam was slanting through a gap in the curtains. It was shining right on to her pillow.


Fantastic Mr Fox
   by Sam G (Mole Class)

Mr Fox is very clever and he always has a bright idea.  I am quite amazed how he can get brick walls apart.  It is awesome that Mrs Bean can't smell Mr Fox, Badger and Mr Fox's son because she can smell a rat. Boggis, Bunce and Bean don't know they are feeding the foxes because they aren't guarding the farm. It is an excellent book because it makes you feel that you are in the story.


Roald Dahl
  by Laura (Mole Class)

Roald Dahl is one of my favourite authors because he uses interesting words.  George's Marvellous Medicine is my favourite book. I have also read Fantastic Mr Fox and parts of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Twits and Danny the Champion of the World.

My Favourite Part of The BFG
  by Libby (Mole Class)

The little girl called Sophie gets snatched by the big BFG. The BFG runs away with her and takes her to his dark and gloomy cave and sits her down on the table. Sophie is very nervous.  All sorts of other giants live around there. "He's probably going to eat me raw!" she thinks. Now she is worried that she is going to get fried in a pan. She is very, very scared and now she is thinking "What is the giant going to do to me next?" 


Roald Dahl
  by Owen (Hedgehog Class)

Reading is fantastic.
Opening a book is wonderful.
A Roald Dahl book is best.
Lots of great characters.
Dangerous plans.

Devious people.
All exploring wonderful adventures.
Happy endings.
Lovely times.