Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
by Lola (Fox Class)
Charlie heard there were 5 golden tickets and he really wanted one. When on the news it said the last ticket had been found he was helpless with tears. A few days later, Charlie read in the newspaper that the last golden ticket was a fake, so he opened the chocolate bar he had in his hand and inside was a golden ticket!
Just then, a lady came by and said "Look this boy - he found the golden ticket"! Suddenly there was a crowd around Charlie, then the shopkeeper ran out and said "Horray, this boy he found a golden ticket in my shop"!
Next, the television people came out and did a video of Charlie with the golden ticket, and he ran home to tell his family.
My favourite part of the book is when Charlie is on the tour of the Chocolate factory and goes for a ride in the glass elevator.
I like this bit because it's exciting and Willy Wonka lets Charlie press a button that he's never pressed before.
I like Roald Dahl stories because they are funny and a bit silly!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a favourite in our house too. I think that glass elevator sounds like lots of fun too. My personal Favourite is the BFG. Well done.